NEW YORK, NY 10023
(inside Playa Betty’s)
Please come prepared with a notebook, writing utensil, something to record yourself with (phones are acceptable), water bottle & any handouts previously distributed (if the teacher emails them to you, it’s acceptable to pull them up on your phone/ipad/tablet).
We do kindly ask that you please do not re-distribute any of the handouts and course materials.
Comedy is known for touching on just about every topic, including darker and harsher material. Comedy is also subjective, not everyone will find the same things funny. We never want teachers telling students that they can’t write jokes on certain topics, but we are not in the business of making people feel unsafe. Being Homophobic, sexist, racist, antisemitic or otherwise offensive in an attempt to be “edgy” or “inappropriate,” such as making someone the butt of a joke or “punching down”, will not be tolerated. Teachers must also follow this policy in class and maintain professional decorum.
Reporting Harassment: If a student feels they are being targeted or made to personally feel unsafe they should reach out to management by contacting [email protected]
Policy Violations: Students found to be in breach of the harassment policy will receive one written warning and are subject to removal without a refund for any further offenses.